Ancient spirituality is just that, ancient. And although there is wisdom to be gained, there is, in fact, much to also be left behind. A new “religion” has formed in a quiet hamlet in Upstate New York that is the spirituality of the future. The Temple of Why was founded […]
Spiritual Maturity
Reaching a state of spiritual means letting go, letting go of age-old myth, preconceived notions, old traditions and outdated metaphors. It means ushering in a new understanding of spirit that has been acquired through actual experience with the Divine. It means leading with the heart because it is in the […]
The Trinity; stolen from the Triple Goddess
The switch from matriarchal to patriarchal religion was a slow and gradual process. Matriarchal religions focused around devotion to the triple Goddess, maiden, mother and crone represented by the phases of the moon. The matriarchal religions considered the moon, not the sun as more reliable. The moon’s phases were constant […]
New Moon in Leo August 4th 2024 7:13 AM ET
The New Moon and the Sun are conjunct at 12 degrees 34 minutes of Leo and are trine the North Node in Aries. What house is Leo in in your chart? That is where all of the New Moon energy will be highlighted. The Sun is the natural ruler of […]
True spirituality vs. false religion
Our higher self is actually our intuition. We have long oppressed our intuitive guidance in deference to a God we were told was THE one and ONLY one we should pray to and listen to for guidance and worship. If we were lucky, we happened upon a broader pantheon of […]
Cultivating a spiritual intuition
Intuition is innate, but it is not the loudest voice in the room, that is your ego. intuition means to “watch over” or is a “faculty of knowing”. It is not your gut instinct, gut instincts are tied more to survival instincts and actually occur in a different part of […]
Why you should believe me
Because I don’t care if you do. I have nothing invested, just sharing information on spirituality from a lifelong search and in-depth study. I will tell you the truth of what I know. I don’t want money from you, I am not trying to sell you anything. I don’t want […]
Soul Mother
Who is our Soul Mother? She is our true mother from the beginning of time, the original creator, the original source. She resides in the Cave of the Mother where we all came from and where we will return when we pass from this life. Soul Mother waits for our […]
Prayer to my higher self
We, my higher self, help me consciously be aware of you at all times in my life. Help me to remember only I can heal myself. Help me look inward, not outward for guidance from you because you know my soul’s journey and mission. Help me to recognize your promptings […]
Pray to your higher self
No ancient God or Goddess can help you, not Jesus, Mohammed, Moses or any of them. They can show you examples of their lives and what worked for them, but you are not them. Ancient Goddesses and Gods lived in ancient times. Where are the Gods and Goddesses of today? […]