Belief is something our own mind doesn’t doubt or deny. Seeds of trauma buried in our DNA can cause us to practice a certain religion and we may believe the tenets of that religion are accurate. There are those of us that have shaken loose from the bonds of trauma […]
Spiritual Authority
Spiritual authority is an interesting topic. We are all used to complying with some authority in our lives; parents, teachers, police, government, our bosses, but what about spirituality? Spiritual authority has been used as justification for obedience since religion existed. Thomas Aquinas famously stated that anyone who taught himself about […]
As above so below, the replication of planting seeds in the Earth and the Divine Medium
Divine Medium is a power for good and the foundation of Unee. It is a type of elastomeric medium that responds to our thoughts that are planted or imprinted on it. Seeds planted in the Earth produce life in the physical realm, seeds planted in the Divine Medium produce perhaps […]
Important message of the Divine Medium
The Divine Medium is God, but not in a way that we have possibly considered God before. Humans have personalized God and gave it human attributes such as anger, vengeance, jealousy or even love, but incomplete human love. The love we have attributed to God is conditional. We must obey, […]