
The Trinity; stolen from the Triple Goddess

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The switch from matriarchal to patriarchal religion was a slow and gradual process. Matriarchal religions focused around devotion to the triple Goddess, maiden, mother and crone represented by the phases of the moon. The matriarchal religions considered the moon, not the sun as more reliable. The moon’s phases were constant […]


Prayer to my higher self

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We, my higher self, help me consciously be aware of you at all times in my life. Help me to remember only I can heal myself. Help me look inward, not outward for guidance from you because you know my soul’s journey and mission. Help me to recognize your promptings […]


Pray to your higher self

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No ancient God or Goddess can help you, not Jesus, Mohammed, Moses or any of them. They can show you examples of their lives and what worked for them, but you are not them. Ancient Goddesses and Gods lived in ancient times. Where are the Gods and Goddesses of today? […]


Only your higher self can heal you

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We have been robbed of our innate ability to heal ourselves. We have been told someone needs to intervene for us for prayer, divine intervention and healing. It is not true. It is the greatest lie we have been told. We need to reconnect to our higher selves and essentially […]


Worshipping the Heart

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Worshipping the Heart Losing yourself in spirit means letting go of physical manifestations and focusing on what is truly important. Our spiritual essence is what stays with us incarnation to incarnation, so one has to ask why do we focus so much on the physical world? Achieving in the physical […]