Honest Intuition

Which is more trust worthy intuition or logic? A question that has perplexed humankind for millennia. Women excel at intuition, the silent knowing without overthinking and overanalyzing. Not to say men are not intuitive as well, but in general women are simply more intuitive.

By relying more on logical reasoning it has been thought that the approach yielded better outcomes. Thinking it through, evaluating all sides, comparing outcomes was somehow more valuable. Somehow in that process the flaws were overlooked. Personal agendas, wanting the outcome to be one way or another, ignoring some data and including other was the norm and the the associated issues were glossed over.

Meanwhile intuition became suspect because it was too opinion and not fact based. It was thought to be based in feelings and not hard cold facts that truly don’t exist. Thoughts and feelings have been proven to have a profound impact on outcome even more so than data so it seems intuition may be the frontrunner.

It is time we started listening to that small quiet voice called intuition and having less reliance on ever changing science and “facts”.

This is the way nature operates, she listens and responds. What do you intuit?

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