Rain meditation

There is so much we can learn from rain. It cleanses everything it touches equally, it cleanses the air and leaves healthy ions for us to breathe in and it nourishes Mama Earth and gives her the tools she needs to support life.

Rain soothes our minds as we listen to it’s gentle rhythm and it aligns us with the rhythm of nature. If we sit with it, we can let it clean the cobwebs from our minds. If we meditate with it, we can choose to let go of negative thoughts and visualize them washing away to be recycled by the Mama Earth.

If we stand in the rain or dance in the rain we become one with nature, our beings merging with the rain as it draws some of our energy from us and into the ground. By meditating while we stand or walk in the rain we allow it to rain inside of us too, cleansing us inside and outside.

What if we think of rain as a being too, different than us certainly rain is not confined inside a container as we are. What if rain, all water, is a different being? What is it teaching us? Maybe not to be attached to ourselves or where we live or what we do. Maybe to go with the flow and maybe in community we are stronger.

Enjoy a rainy day.

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