What happens when you live from Spiritual Compassion

  1. You look with eyes of compassion on everyone
  2. Greed ends, you have compassion for those who don’t have what you have
  3. Hunger ends becuase you have compassion for those who are without food
  4. Crime ends because you have compassion for your potential victims
  5. Healthcare for profit ends and health care providers care for the sick out of compassion
  6. Racism ends because you have compassion for everyone
  7. Animal experimentation for “science” ends because you have compassion for all sentient beings
  8. Deforestation ends because you have compassion for nature
  9. Adultery ends because you have compassion for your spouse
  10. Prostitution ends because you have compassion for those exploited
  11. Pornography ends because you have compassion for the exploited
  12. Religious wars end because you have compassion for humanity
  13. War ends because you have compassion for victims of war
  14. Persecution ends because you have compassion for those being persecuted
  15. The Universe breathes a sigh of relief because it is finally evolving

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