Everyday was surreal, Mary Magdalene (MM) and the other women felt suspended knowing things would not continue like this. Joanna, Salome and Susanna would watch trying to pretend things were normal, knowing it was never going to be the same. Most often MM, Mary of Bethany (MB) and Martha would be speaking to Yeshua, they could see the sadness growing in MM’s eyes. He told them they must carry on, that they must share his message and not let his teachings fade away. He told them to be strong that things would change, but only after more conflict. He started mentioning how he would be leaving again and this time he would not return right away. He said the world needed to hear his message and embrace it freely, to really understand that peace and love was the only way to ending suffering.
Peter and the others had seen Yeshua as well, they too were shocked and stunned by his appearance. They all were afraid. They all hid from the Rabbi’s and the Romans. They avoided all of the townspeople and prayed.
The men finally left and went up the mountain to Gallilee. Yeshua said he would stay with the women and then they would meet them at the lake.
MM would whisper with Mary of Clopas (MC) long into the night sometimes crying and rocking. This was so hard for her, she loved Yeshua so dearly and could not face losing him permanently. None of them knew how they were going to go on without him. They were so happy he returned, but a deep foreboding weighed on them all.