Many of us have spent a good part of our lives going to Church, clocking our time and thinking that is all spirituality was about. We prayed for sick and our community, gave to the poor, at least prayed for the imprisoned. Some of us looked deeper and went to Church, clocked our time, cared for our community and prayed daily, beseeching our God for favors for ourselves, our families even the World. An even smaller group of us did all of the above, but were more interested in “praying unceasingly”. We realized we wanted an even closer relationship with the Divine. We studied the saints and the mystics – what did they do? We imitated them as best we could, we prayed with them in hopes of growing closer to an unseen God.
And some of us were still restless, we realized this was not it.
We read and sought other spiritual practices, other religions, maybe they knew something we didn’t. We started to doubt, we read the early beginnings of our faith and really started to wonder what all of this was all about. We looked at other religions early beginnings and started to wake up to the realization that religion may be not what it seems, maybe for some it is enough, but somehow, something else was still calling us.
True spirituality is about vibration and alignment with the Divine vibration of Love. When we look outside ourselves and try to align with someone else’s vibration either a group or a person, we are actually pulling further away from the vibration of attuning ourselves with the vibration of Divine Love within ourselves. The outside exists, but outside ourselves. We align and attune with the great Diving Love inside and it becomes our refuge because it is real and authentic. It connects us to Soul Mother in the Cave of Creation and we can connect like spiritual “wifi” to her.
We still have our human existence, which is what we came for, but we see it from outside the circle. We look into the smaller existence of the physical world and we stay on the outside where its lower vibration turbulence doesn’t impact us. And it is good, and we can then begin to truly live.
And the vibration we give off helps others to realize what they are missing and then attune inside themselves. When we all attune inside to the same Divine Love we are in concert, in oneness with that same Divine Love. And then something amazing starts to happen, we can feel that love vibrating inside us and for the first time, we feel what real Love is, the oneness, the wholeness and the completeness. This is the goal of spirituality in reality, being at one with Divine Love knowing that when you are at one, you are touching the Divine and your Divine family.