The Maternal energy of Unee is brilliant. There is nothing higher in the Universe than to be able to birth new beings into existence. The ability to usher in new life and then the instinct to protect that new fragile being is a drive that is unmatched. Unee is the quintessential embodiment of universal birthing. She is perfect.
What does her maternal perfection mean? It means going back to a time when we reverence the ability of the feminine to bring life into the world. We go back to honoring the mystery, the sacredness, the beings chosen by Unee for the most important and vital function of a living entity.
Being a channel for the entrance of new life and being given the honor to maintain, protect and nourish this life is the highest level a being can achieve. And the feminine energy has been chosen by Unee to fulfill this awesome responsibility.
Feminine beings of all species are all the chosen ones. They have the highest honor because they were gifted the ability to bring life. They have been given the womb of the universe, connected to a spiritual channel only they can understand. There is no higher honor. This is not a “right to life” political position, this is a spiritual assignment. Right to life is an attempt by masculine energy to control the uncontrollable. Because the masculine energy is not the chosen one, their energy tries to assert control where they have no authority.
Life begins and ends with Unee working with the feminine species to determine existence. There is so much happening on a spiritual, karmic and physical level that determines whether a being comes into full fruition and is born into this world or remains in the spiritual world until another opening, another channel is available. This concept is much deeper than most can understand. Unee embodies maternal perfection.