Don’t be afraid, please. What you perceive, you create.
Don’t be afraid of WW3, don’t give it your energy, we can collectively create it.
Don’t be afraid of war in the Middle East, don’t give it your energy, we can collectively create it.
Don’t be afraid of global warming, don’t give it your energy, we can collectively create it.
Don’t be afraid you will lose your job, or anything else negative. If you put that energy out there, the Universe will fulfill it for you
Do believe change is inevitable, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and things are better than they have ever been. Don’t lose sight of the big picture and get caught in the little details that are the path to change.
Believe everything happens for a reason and everything is a process and on a path.
All will be well.
All will be well.
All will be well.