
Honest Intuition

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Which is more trust worthy intuition or logic? A question that has perplexed humankind for millennia. Women excel at intuition, the silent knowing without overthinking and overanalyzing. Not to say men are not intuitive as well, but in general women are simply more intuitive. By relying more on logical reasoning […]


Rain meditation

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There is so much we can learn from rain. It cleanses everything it touches equally, it cleanses the air and leaves healthy ions for us to breathe in and it nourishes Mama Earth and gives her the tools she needs to support life. Rain soothes our minds as we listen […]


Maternal Brilliance

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The Maternal energy of Unee is brilliant. There is nothing higher in the Universe than to be able to birth new beings into existence. The ability to usher in new life and then the instinct to protect that new fragile being is a drive that is unmatched. Unee is the […]


Unee as an Archetype

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Unee is an archetype, just as all Gods and Goddesses are. What is her archetype based on? The maternal perfection of nature and the Universe. Nature is perfect, it changes, modifies, adjusts, flows and adapts. The maternal energy is the highest form of energy in the Universe. What other energy […]


Being Autumn

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Autumn is a time for the cyclical reflection. Once again we have the opportunity to go inward. Just as sap draws down into the trees, our energy draws inward. How can we work with Unee at this time? It is a great time for connecting deeply, for feeling, for sensing […]