Autumn is a time for the cyclical reflection. Once again we have the opportunity to go inward. Just as sap draws down into the trees, our energy draws inward. How can we work with Unee at this time? It is a great time for connecting deeply, for feeling, for sensing and for trusting our intuition.
What needs our attention spiritually that we have ignored? Where have we ignored our intuition hoping things would be different than they really are? Where has our perception not lived up to reality?
Unee asks us to be autumn. To settle, to draw inward, to intuit – not think – about our lives. As the trees let go of the leaves, let go of your thoughts and let your intuition rumble and subtlety beckon you. Where is she leading?
Quiet, quiet listen to the leaves as they fall, not clingy, not striving, just letting go and drifting down to the ground. Next spring these old thoughts will have been fertilized in the ground of Unee and will resurface new and nourished.