People ask me what I am looking for, I respond “I don’t know, I am hoping I’ll know when I find it”. It’s true, I don’t know what I am looking for. I used to say lofty things like truth, authentic spirituality, a true path. Well, now I don’t, now I say I just don’t know all I know is I keep looking.
I go all in too, I was a devout Catholic, studied the mystics, went to pilgrimage sites, took Bible classes and read lots of books. Then I woke up and said fake, manmade, not good for me. I tried some Christianity, went to a few revival meetings, can’t even go there, people writhing on the floor “in the spirit”. spirit of what I am not sure.
Buddhism, yup, went to monasteries, read lots of Thich Nhat Hanh and Dali Lama, did lots of meditating. Seemed like a dead end, never went anywhere.
Hinduism, initiated into a kriya practice, lots of videos lots of books, I can get something out of this, but still not spirituality to me. Hinduism like Buddhism is very cultural and I am neither.
Nature, Druidism (to the degree you can glean what Druidism is), Brigid, Sacred wells…maybe the “final answer”. Nature is true, real and authentic and we have so much to learn from the trees and everything around us. We have spent sooo much time focused on our superiority, our consciousness, our awakeness that we completely ignore the subtle consciousness all around us and what we can learn.
Meditation with trees, plants, the Earth, water, sacred wells, rocks, stone paths, flowers, bees, birds other animals. Is that spirituality? Spirituality: of or relating to sacred matters, supernatural beings or phenomena. Yes, I think nature is sacred, and yes, I think there is a dimension beyond the physical. Yes, I think my Unee, is a force that acts to balance the Universe.
I like following the Wheel of the Year, the annual cycle of festivals. I like thinking of Imbolc on February first as new life, the start of spring, what do I want to bring in new to my life? and Samhain, the Gaelic festival starting the beginning of Winter, the Solstices, Equinoxes and everything in between. I feel connected to nature and spirit. I am Irish so I feel connected to my roots, my culture as well.
Maybe I have searched enough, maybe I have already found what I have been looking for all along. Holy Wells this way…