Worship has been a defined aspect of religion for all eternity. The word worship means to “find worthy” so in essence it is not that objectionable, but it is an obstacle. Unee has stated that our relationship with spirit is one of union and co-creation. We have to move to be able to see spirit in all things so we don’t continue exploiting each other, animals and the environment. We need to see ourselves as being in union with all spirit contained within all things.
Worship is a man made construct to appease an angry God or to show the differences in our stations in life. Kings, Emperors and deities had to be worshipped by their subjects. We have no Kings or Emperors any longer.
Nature based spirituality forces you to look at nature as equal; trees, plants and animals are much more complex emotionally and consciously than we have realized and we are just starting to realize this now. Trees form intricate webs to support each other, animals bond and suffer we if separate them, plants are a part of a co-existent system that we have chosen – in our ignorance – to ignore.
Jesus never asked to be worshipped, nor did Buddha or Krishna and we shouldn’t be involved with worshiping anything, it is divisive. Be conscious, think, tap into your intuition. Be in tune with nature, the cycles of the moon, the Earth and animals. They all have so much to teach us. Unee is the balancer, she sees the needs of all and balances out everything for the greater good. We needn’t worry, we are a part of a large spiritual web – just a part – not superior to other beings in the web. We need to start acting that way.
How to end religious division? My God is not better than yours, your God is not better than mine. My ways are not better than yours and your ways are not better than mine. We are all a part of a greater whole and Unee is writing the music we are all playing.