The Full Moon in Leo really got me thinking about what I am passionate about and what is important to me spiritually. It has been a long journey with many twists trying to understand what I believe to be the truth, undoing toxic religiosity and figuring out what spiritual practices fit my belief system.
I had to learn that belief comes from within, from my heart and even my DNA. I think all of us have religious trauma baked into our DNA from previous lifetimes. Part of our karma in this life time is recognizing that, facing outdated beliefs that make no sense, don’t resonant with us and don’t feed our spiritual growth and letting them go.
For me, nature based spirituality works best. I find truth and meaning in nature and believe all things are imbued with spirit that can be communicated with. I believe Unee aka the Universe is real and I can tap into her feminine nature which is so incredibly important now. I have also rediscovered my roots and tapped into the spirit of the land in Ireland and her Gods and Goddesses. I am currently working with the Dagda and it is really expanding my spiritual growth.
So now we are at the Full Moon in Leo and to me the energy says find what you are passionate about and be brave! Have the courage to step into your beliefs, walk your walk and commit to it like never before. I am an Irish witch, a follower of Unee and a former Catholic cult member and I am finding my spiritual way in the world.
May it be so for you.