This resonated with me so much today that I am going to copy from the book I am reading by Gregg Braden:
P 233
“…the Hopi eloquently remind us that each time humanity strays from the natural laws that affirm life in this world, our choices are mirrored in our societies and the systems of nature around us. …when earth quakes, floods hailstorms, drought and famine will be the life of everyday, the time will come for the return to the true path…when prayer {intention infused with emotion based on the outcome} and meditation are used rather than relying on new inventions to create more imbalance, then humanity will find the true path {back to Earth}.” “The words of the Hopi serve as simple reminders of the quantum principle which states that to change the outcome of events already in motion, we are invited to shift our beliefs regarding the outcome itself. In doing so, we attract the possibility that matches our new belief, and we release the present conditions even those already under way.” ~ from The Isaiah Effect, by Gregg Braden
Return to the Earth, the true path. What is happening in the world is a direct reflection of what is occurring in our collective minds. It is so important to watch our thoughts and don’t become a part of what is occurring in the world. We must look to nature, to the Earth, refresh and cleanse our bodies and minds.
A return to the true path.