8/8 The Lion’s Gate and Unee as Mother Bear

8/8 is said to be the Lion’s Gate – halfway through Leo when the energy of the Lion is at it’s peak. Unee, the Spirit of the Mother, has embodied the Mother Bear and has come out of her cave to take on  the Lion.

Unee says:

I forgive humans for polluting my sister, Mother Earth, but it is time for change

I forgive humans for hurting each other and not seeing others as themselves, but it is time for change

We must collectively tap into the energy of Unee, of the Mother Bear, and change the world we live in. Unee is here sending us energy, giving us courage to act in small ways and bold ways to make change happen.

Love, care and compassion must take charge and lead the way.

May love prevail.

zoo bear
Photo by Rasmus Svinding on Pexels.com



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