Where do we go from here? I asked Unee what is going to happen, I fear multiple invasions are on the horizon and to what end. She said there is a crack in the façade of the world opening up, a time when crisis will lead to evolution. The spiritual plates have shifted and a pentacle has formed. A pentacle does not represent evil, so don’t go down that rabbit hole, interestingly enough it is a protection symbol. A pentacle represents the elements of wind, fire, water, Earth and Spirit and is used to bind and drive away evil.
What is the evil this pentacle is guarding against? The evil of the thoughts and actions of men. There may be chaos initially and then a period of awakening when these powers realize there is no positive outcome on this path. The crack has formed and allowed these events to take place, but the light is also shining through to illuminate the actions that are creating this level of complete destruction.
Unee suggests we all hang on and keep our section of the net still, focusing on alignment with the good, with nature. She will repair the holes in the net created by aggressive activity.