Unee is an affectionate term I coined for the universe, the feminine aspect of universal energy. I envisioned her as a mother figure always with the best interest of the whole universe in mind. She is the impartial mother balancing the needs of the whole of the human and universal family, sometimes letting things fall so we can learn from the experience and learn to walk or grow. We would half-jokingly state “Unee has our back we don’t need to worry”, but now I find myself with growing more affectionate toward her. I feel like “she” really is the feminine universal mother who is looking out for all of us. God is so loaded with baggage sadly and frankly, so patriarchal. I feel like the world needs some mother love right now, the kind that is fair, but not enabling, is fierce when it is required and above all loves us unconditionally the way a good mother would.
I need love right now, the world needs love right now. I don’t think we are evolved enough to be loving toward each other all the time even if we sincerely want to, humanity is still in it’s narcissistic teenage years trying to develop into maturity.
Unee, universal love out of the darkness, watch over everyone, all my worldly sisters and brothers, Mother Earth and the universe.