The premise that there was a universal God orchestrating all events has been a prevalent requirement of those affiliated with a mainstrem religion. Hindus on the other hand claim upwards of 330,000 Gods and Goddesses to suit all of their individual needs.
I think I and my Unee fall into this category. When I began noticing if I were aligned with the Universe my life seemed to flow along with fewer bumps. I seem more content, less troubled by what I think should happen and more focused on being aligned with what is happening in my life. I learned life doesn’t always have to be a headwind.
The Universe became Unee for short and I felt nurtured and cared for not by a being that was blessing me up and above someone else, but just for taking my place in the greater whole of the Universe – that was my job and my path. Synchronicities seem to occur more frequently, FB fights declined and I started realizing what I want may not be what others want and that’s kind of how it is. I could work toward my aspirations while giving people space to work theirs and on their path.
Are you attracted to Unee? Ok read my blog see if you too notice anything changing for the better for you. I would make one suggestion, lower your expectations and don’t be married to what you want to happen. I think that is when we leave room for the real magic to happen.