Spiritual freedom

We have been conditioned to look outside ourselves for validation about pretty much everything, but especially spirituality. We are told the dead guys, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses are our source for true spirituality. Born in a by gone era, culturally so foreign to us, but still, by conditioning mostly based on fear, we look to their rules for truth.

We then look to spiritual leaders, pedophile priests, or bishops and popes who enabled and hid pedophile priests, pastors who preach against adultery while committing adultery, people with the same if not more hang ups as we have, for faith. They are some how someone through divine connection (they tell us) we don’t have, we have to follow.

The only thing we can be 100% sure of is we are surrounded by and composed of Air, Water, and Earth and the influence of Fire. We can’t live without any of them and their energy, strong, vibrant energy is what forms our lives. We all learned in science class that energy can not be destroyed or created and it is the lifeforce pervading everything.

We can learn to harness the energy of the elements by tuning into them and bringing our attention to them. We can start to direct the energy for our good and the collective good. And we should. This is the call to our purpose and destiny. Our spiritual essence, our own energy isn’t destroyed lifetime to lifetime, it is transformed. We can harness the energy of our past lives to focus and create a life now. The universe, Unee, is always a part of that equation, so even when we are working to create, she is our co-creator. We can work with her flow and start to be in synchronicity with her and that is tuning in.

Cooperation, collaboration support for our personal spiritual path is spirituality for the 21 century. Priest, priestess, guru are just an authoritarian power play of times gone by. Be free! Seek your own path be a spark or a lightening bolt that leads your destiny.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

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