Church hierarchy needs to be abandoned, it was established by Constantine in the Council of Nicea and modeled after Roman law. Christ railed against Pharisees and Sadducees and the exalted positions they held. Isn’t the priesthood with it’s Bishops, Archbishops and the Pope the same? Hasn’t the church been plagued with clergy abuse scandals since the inception of the church though the ages and still to this day? How long does it take for the church to realize their power structure does not work?
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely ~ Lord Acton
The church or any religion will never willing give up its power, it is too addicting, too enticing, too evil. Obeying the priesthood makes one complicit in the criminal acts of the priesthood. The Popes are guilty, the Archbishops are guilty, the Bishops are guilty, the priests are guilty, the ministers are guilty the pastors are guilty, the parishioners are guilty. All are complicit for supporting them.
The people are guilty.
Fighting back against abuse of power is a requirement of a civilized society. Fighting back against the abuses of religion is a requirement of civilized society. Fighting against discrimination against women and gays in the churches is a requirement because it is against the law in civil society.
How long will we allow churches to hide behind the law that non-religious people are not allowed to violate?