I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
Ho’oponopono – a dedication to radical cleaning. What does that mean? What can it do for me?
A spiritual practice of remembering the real you created perfect and “blank” – no baggage, no memories, no crap carried over – just a blank slate.
We apologize to the DIVINE, the Holy, the Sacred in ourselves for not remembering that.
We apologize for being angry, hurt, sick, afraid confused and we reset ourselves, we clean and erase what is in our subconscious of all the old bad data that has built up and we remember we were created, pure, clean and blank.
You clean in advance of going somewhere, meeting your boss, meeting a friend your at odds with, a family gathering. You place the situation out there and start the mantra. It works, it really does.
But you need to try it for yourself and see the miracle that it is. Clean our political climate, the environment, displaced indigenous peoples removed centuries ago – all the memories of those actions are still there. Apologize to the DIVINE IN YOU for not seeing the world as complete and perfect, it is if you see it that way and it will improve.
A tribe of “Cleaners” can change the world.
I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
More info? www.zero-wise.com