There is most definitely a physical and a spiritual world. Most of us walk in the physical with only a slight awareness of the very present and very real spiritual world. We talk of the veil that separates the worlds, but what we don’t realize is WE have the ability to pierce the veil. Angels, our Guardian Angel, and the Archangels are there fully functioning, but they can not enter our world and interact with us unless we call on them and ask them to. It is our responsibility to pierce the veil and ask for interaction from the Angels. They are our conduit to the Divine.
We have all been assigned a Guardian Angel who walks with us through every lifetime, every incarnation. Our Guardian Angel doesn’t forget our previous lifetimes and waits for us to call on him/her. Our Guardian Angels have no gender, but we can envision them as male or female. They are charged with guiding us, keeping us safe and helping us stay on the path that is best suited for us in this lifetime.
To access your Guardian Angel, you may want to use this invocation:
Guardian Angel, I call upon you now
I am yours and you are mine
I am by your hand Divine
I am guided by your love
I am encircled from God above
And then talk to your Guardian Angel, it may seem awkward at first, but the more you interact, the more comfortable you become, and you will begin communicating more meaningfully.