Why you should believe me

Because I don’t care if you do. I have nothing invested, just sharing information on spirituality from a lifelong search and in-depth study. I will tell you the truth of what I know.

I don’t want money from you, I am not trying to sell you anything.

I don’t want your worship or adoration, I don’t even want you to know who I am.

I will not threaten you, tell you you are damned if you don’t do what I say.

I will not tell you, “you are my friend if you do what I say and follow what I command”, that is coercion plain and simple.

I won’t make promises to you or tell you I can heal you – only you can do that.

I won’t even try to convince you of anything, if what I am saying resonates with you that is great.

My only mission is to dispel falsehood and lies that have been told to us for generations. Lies that have oppressed us, caused us to mistrust ourselves and caused suffering for millions of people. Sadly, that is the truth of organized religion.

I am here to tell you your intuition is your higher self and once you connect with it and communicate with it regularly that is your truth. But you can’t force your intuition on anyone either – that is the only rule.

I don’t have “apostolic succession” or generations of “authorities” behind me. I am simply a person who has taken the time to study, to experience and to share. I don’t believe what someone in authority has told me, I have to prove it to myself and I have.

So incorporate some of what I say in my blogs into your life, see if you have the same results I do – and I think you will. Then you too will have released yourself from the trauma of persecution that has been baked in all of our DNA from millennia of religious oppression.

Be free.

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