Our higher self is actually our intuition. We have long oppressed our intuitive guidance in deference to a God we were told was THE one and ONLY one we should pray to and listen to for guidance and worship. If we were lucky, we happened upon a broader pantheon of Gods and Goddesses that opened our perspective a bit.
Our intuition is our spiritual guide and our truth. True intuitive thought comes from a higher dimension and can never lead you falsely. If you thought your intuition was telling you to do something morally wrong, or to harm another or yourself you immediately know that is not your intuition. Intuition is pure spirit from a higher vibration and provides a broader view than exists on the physical plane.
Think about it, if a group, be it the Church or government, can get you to believe they know better and control what you think they have power. Take that a step further and if you can get people to confess what they are doing wrong to someone in authority as the Catholic Church does, then they truly have power over you because they are judging your behavior. If you are Catholic or Christian, isn’t that exactly what Jesus said NOT to do?
When we start trusting our intuition and let it guide our lives we can reach our full potential, who we are supposed to be in this lifetime.
Run from anyone telling you differently, it’s a lie.