
In resonance with Unee

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Being in resonance with Unee you see things more clearly and offer less resistance. Knowing energy and life is always changing you embrace this path and tune to its rhythm. Vibrating at the same frequency with Unee you align with  the flow of the universe herself and you are delivered […]


Closing the pandora’s box called religion

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Religion unleashed a Pandora’s box of artificial complications and humanity transformed from being in harmony with nature and it’s cycles to artificially constrained by dogma meant to harness behavior. Spirituality is recognizing the energy contained in all living things is from the same source. This life-flowing energy can’t be destroyed […]


Why Unee is important

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Humanity is shifting away from traditional religion, pews are empty and spirituality is evolving to a new level. Unee brings in the matriarchal energy that is missing in all other religious institutions. With this matriarchal approach there is a movement away from “lordship” oversight and from doctrine and dogma. People […]


Have Loving Intent

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Align with Unee and you are in the natural flow of the universe. Unee works to restore stability in the universe by adjusting the needs of all according to this lifetime and karma from previous lifetimes. What we experience in this lifetime we generated previously, we can have the greatest […]