Pray to your higher self

No ancient God or Goddess can help you, not Jesus, Mohammed, Moses or any of them. They can show you examples of their lives and what worked for them, but you are not them. Ancient Goddesses and Gods lived in ancient times. Where are the Gods and Goddesses of today? Tap into your own higher self, it has been here through many lifetimes and knows what it is you are here to learn.

You are here to learn to connect with your higher self – consciously – we are always unconsciously connected – and work with your own energy. This is the only way you will heal and evolve.

You don’t need to be saved, there is nothing to be saved from. You are here to learn and grow and no one is keeping score, you will just begin again at a different level next time.

Psychic gifts reveal themselves when you connect with your higher self and this is what is supposed to happen. We are supposed to use our psychic gifts for ourselves and for the collective good, it is soul evolution.

Karmic healing occurs when you heal yourself and your entire ancestral line. Seed The world is not as we know it, there is so much more to be discovered.

Go deeper into yourself, there are no answers outside of yourself. Take your soul’s evolution seriously, it must be a priority, when you evolve, you heal and when you heal, your physical life gets better too.

Stop distracting yourself with TV, games, overworking and focus on healing yourself.

Meditate, start with 5 minutes a day, but do it everyday. Put on meditation music or a guided meditation every day. Soon you will connect to your higher self at a deeper level and be guided by your higher self.

Pray to your higher self for guidance.

Photo by Rahul Pandit on

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