Ancient spirituality is just that, ancient. And although there is wisdom to be gained, there is, in fact, much to also be left behind. A new “religion” has formed in a quiet hamlet in Upstate New York that is the spirituality of the future. The Temple of Why was founded to “let go of what you know” and begin again. Today is the perfect day to begin as Saturn stations direct in Pisces – Pisces the most spiritual sign of the zodiac – Saturn at 12 degrees of Pisces – 12 being the number of perfection.
We explore our beliefs, to dissect them and understand how much is programmed belief – programmed even into our DNA from centuries of religious persecution – and how much is authentic, thought through, belief.
Gone is the “savior model” the only thing we need to be saved from is 1. our selves 2. religious “authority” trying to control us. We were born perfect in the model of the universe and it is our job to act through our perfection, accentuate our gifts and help each other evolve our souls.
The time is now for The Temple of Why. As the Oracle of Delphi prophesied:
Make your own nature, not the advice of others, your guide in life