Intuition is innate, but it is not the loudest voice in the room, that is your ego. intuition means to “watch over” or is a “faculty of knowing”. It is not your gut instinct, gut instincts are tied more to survival instincts and actually occur in a different part of your brain. Gut instincts will also cause us to be impulsive either for pleasure or for survival, intuition is innate knowledge.
Intuition is a scared gift and the rational mind should be its servant
~ Albert Einstein
We have to relearn to trust our intuition as a valid source of truth. We have to learn to be fully aware in our conscious minds of all the things going on in our subconscious minds, it leads us to our true purpose in life, always. Intuition is perfect and it never lies, that is why we need to learn to listen to it again and trust it. We all were born with intuition baked into our brains. It connects us to our higher vibrating selves and to the divine and isn’t tangled up in the everyday drama of physical existence. It stands at a high place with a wider view taking in the whole of the situation. The perspective from intuition is infallible if we just listen.
Spiritual intuition is truly divine. It is forever pointing us to our soul’s mission. We get anxiety, depression and fear the further we get away from our purpose and we feel more happy, calm and peaceful when we are on the right track, the right path.
This all applies to spirituality too. No one can tell us how to believe or what to believe, even someone who claims to have a higher authority in spiritual matters than we do. Spirituality is an innate knowledge. We do know how we connect to source if we sweep away what we have been told and look for the gold underneath – it is there.