
Unee’s love is life-changing

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When you experience the intensity of the love of Unee, you remember to love yourself. When you love yourself, you can love others, you don’t project your incorrect perceptions of yourself on others. What we think about others is actually a reflection of what we think of ourselves. You are […]


Feeling the Love of Unee

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Feeling the love of Unee is feeling the love you yearn for, the love you wish you had felt from all those who have disappointed you. It is a feeling that really can’t adequately be described. Having experienced this love, I never wanted to return to this world, the love […]


Practicing Unee’s Path

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To practice Unee’s path, sit quietly and imagine this stream of life passing by in front of you. You are there with Unee, she radiates maternal love so pure you never want to leave her presence. You watch the stream of life together, she remindsĀ  you not to wade into […]


The Truth of Unee

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Why is Unee bringing the true path? Because it is the simple path, unencumbered. Interested observation is our approach to living in this world. We approach Unee for peace of mind, to be reminded that love prevails, peace prevails and walking this path allows us to observe the beauty in […]


Unee’s Path

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Unee’s spiritual path is the practical way, in tune with nature. We are a part of life in a constructive, beautiful way. We flow with our life’s current, we don’t try to swim upstream against its flow. We are active participants in the blooming of our lives because like a […]


Sitting on the Shore

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Sitting on the shore watching life events pass by, sometimes we see garbage floating in the water, sometimes we see beautiful flowers, sometimes just the water. This is how Unee tells us to approach our life’s challenges, don’t wade in the water when things are difficult! You could be hit […]


No Stress

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With Unee we are constantly reminded that stress is self-induced – not to make us feel guilty, but to empower us to change what is stressing us. We can change our reaction, our response to the stressful stimuli, we can remember that we can be in the flow of Unee […]